Recipes for the Postman

If you have a rabbit head, you're in luck...

Why Recipes?

These recipes were gathered during my "Recipes for the Postman" mail art project. I find recipes interesting because they're a set of instructions which when followed properly will result in implied tastes and smells, which are something that cannot be communicated in any other medium at all... that and I love to cook and I wanted to get some new recipes. So here are most of them. A few have been left out because they're pretty obvious ones.

Cooking with the Postman

#1: Pasta Sauce to End All Time

In a large pot combine the following:
1 can (28oz.) Crushed Tomatoes (Pref. Tuttorosso brand)
1 can (28oz.) Whole Peeled Tomatoes (cut into 1" pieces)
12oz. Tomato Paste
32 oz. Water
2 Tsp. Minced Garlic
4 Bay Leaves (whole)
4 Tsp. Dry Basil or 2 tbsp. Fresh Chopped Basil (if using fresh, add half now, and add half after cooking)
1 Tsp. Dry Parsley Flakes
2 Tbsp. Fresh Parmesan Cheese (grated)
2 Tbsp. Sugar
1 Tsp. ground Black Pepper
1/4 Tsp. Crushed Red Pepper (optional)
4 "shakes" Chili Powder
The juice of one lemon
4 oz. Red Wine
Chopped Spinach (optional)

Partially cover, place over medium heat until it starts to simmer.

In a pan sautee:
2 Medium Onions, sliced
2 Cloves Garlic
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
1 Red Pepper, sliced (optional)
2 large mushrooms (optilnal)
1 Jalapeño Pepper, sliced (optional)
+ any other vegetables you like

Sautee until the onion is green and transparent, the put everything in the large pot with the sauce. In the pan place:

1 Pound Ground Beef or Vegetarian Ground Beef Substitute
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
5-6 "shakes" Dry Oregano
3 Teaspoons Parmesan Cheese (Grated)
1 Teaspoon Dry Parsley Flakes
5-6 "shakes" Hot Pepper Seeds (optional)

Brown meat, drain oil, and add to sauce.

Partially cover sauce and simmer over low heat for at least 2 hours, stirring occasionally. If using fresh basil, add remainder to sauce after cooking is done. Serve over pasta of your choice. Serves 6+, and you can easily freeze the leftovers.

Chopped fresh tomatoes can be used instead of canned tomatoes, but cooking time is approximately 3-4 hours, and the pot should not be covered during cooking. Also, you will need to add approx. 2 teaspoons or more of salt.

From a recipe provided by Mark Impomeni, modified by Ken Miller after extensive testing.

#3: Alice's Spinach Quesadillas

Thaw out a small box of frozen Spinach. Chop an onion and fry it until it's done in Olive Oil. Stir in the Spinach, w/ salt and pepper, heat through.

In a dry skillet make a sandwich of the following:
a flour Tortilla
some Grated Cheese
1/3 of the Spinach mixture
more Grated Cheese
another Tortilla

Fry 'til the cheese is melty & there are nice brown spots on the tortilla, flipping once. This will make 3 quesadillas. Spread with sour cream, cut into quarters, eat w/ great enjoyment.

Submitted by: Alice Borealis, 2802 Parkview Terrace, Baltimore, MD 21214-3137 USA

#5: Curry Chicken n' Couscous

4 Chicken Thighs, boneless
1 Tomato
8 oz. Couscous
12 oz. water
and Curry Sauce:
1 Tbsp. Margarine
1 Tbsp Flour
6 oz. Milk
A dash of salt and pepper
1 Tbsp. of Curry Powder (more if you like it hot)

Combine Curry Sauce ingredients into saucepan, heat up, but don't boil. (Note: substitute recipe #9, "Curry Paste from Scratch" for the curry powder if you want)

Broil Chicken. When it's almost done, add half of the Curry Sauce. Heat water and 2 Tablespoons Margarine, add Couscous when it boils, remove from heat, cover and set aside for 7 minutes.

When it's all done, dump couscous onto plates, fluff with fork, add Chicken and cover with the rest of the curry sauce. Cut the Tomato into wedges and put 'em round each plate. Have a nice Cabernet with this, and a loaf of Pané Giribali bread.

Submitted by: P.J.M., PO Box 2632, Bellingham, WA 98227-2632 USA

#6: PJ's Favorite Breakfast

8 oz. Couscous
12 oz. Water
2 Bullion cubes
6 Eggs
4 English Bangers (a kind of sausage)
4 English Muffins
Curry Powder

Fry the Bangers, they take about 15-20 minutes. Heat Water, 2 Tbsp. Margarine, 2 Bullion cubes and Curry Powder (to taste). When it boils, add the Couscous. Stir until Couscous is evenly distributed and remove from heat. Let sit covered for 7 minutes.

Fry 6 eggs over easy and toast them muffins!

When the Bangers are done, chop 'em into little pieces, dump the Couscous on a plate, put the eggs on top of the Couscous and pop the yolks so it runs into the couscous. Sprinkle with chunks of Banger and eat with muffins and Juice... Yum!

Serves 2

Submitted by: P.J.M., PO Box 2632, Bellingham, WA 98227-2632 USA

#7: Escalloped Tomatoes
(A simple, hearty side dish)

1 28oz. can crushed or whole peeled tomatoes.
1 Large Yellow or White Onion, finely chopped.
3 Slices Bread, toasted and cubed
Grated Romano or Parmesan cheese
Worcestershire sauce
Black Pepper

Pour tomatoes and juice into a non-metallic, oven proof bowl or casserole dish. If you are using whole tomatoes, break them into pieces. Add the dry spices to taste and a dash of Worcestershire sauce. Stir in grated cheese until the tomato and spice mixture is liberally laced throughout with same. Stir in Onion. Add toast cubes, mix in thoroughly. Bake uncovered in 350° oven for 20 minutes or until thickened.

Serves Four.

Submitted By: Michael B. Corbett, PO Box 155, Preston Park, PA 18455 USA

#9: Curry Paste from Scratch

1 Lg. White or Yellow Onion, grated
2 Cloves Minced Garlic
1 Tsp. Crushed Red Pepper
2 Tsp. Minced Jalapeño Pepper (or any hot green chili)
1/2 Tsp. salt
1 Tbs. Ground Ginger
2 Tsp. Coriander
1/2 Tsp. Turmeric
1/2 Tsp. Cumin
2 Tbs. Water

Mash it with a fork until it's a nice paste. Put it on Chicken or Lamb and serve over rice, or better yet, add it to a large pot with the following:

3 or 4 Red Potatoes, cubed
4 Carrots, sliced
4 Stalks Celery, sliced
4 Plum Tomatoes, sliced
+ any veggies you think will work

Put water in the pot so it's about half the height of the vegetables, and simmer for about an hour, stirring occasionally. You might want to add the tomatoes after it's been cooking for a while, because they cook faster than the potatoes.

It may be too spicy for some people, so be careful. Also, be really careful when you mince the chili peppers because you can burn the hell out of a cut if you have one on your hand.

Submitted by: Jackie Davie

#10: Maccheroni Maremanni

Maccheroni Maremanni (Italian)

400 gr. Pappardelle fresche
1 testa di coniglio
1 Salsiccia
150 gr. Fegatini di pollo
50 gr. Fegatini di coniglio
50 gr. Pancetta
15 gr. Funghi freschi
4 Gherigli di noce
1 Cipolla
1 Carota
1 Gambo di sedano
1 Spicchio d'aglio
300 gr. Pomodori maturi o <>
Vino rosso
Parmigiano grattato
Olio d'oliva
Sale e pepe


Fate un battuto non troppo fine con gli odori e fatelo rosolare in 4 cucchiai d'olio. Aggiungete la testa del coniglio (senza gli occhi), la pancetta, la salsiccia, i fegatini, e le noci, il tutto tritato. Fate rosolare e bagnate con un po' di vino. Salate, pepate e quando il vino sarà evaporato aggiungete i funghi ammollati e poi i pomodori. Cuocete piano per circa un'ora. Con questo sugo condite le pappardelle in una zuppiera, facendo degli strati con sugo e parmigiano.

(per 4 persone)

Submitted by: Carlo Desiró, Studio - Via Po, 56, 50013, Campi Bisenzio (FI), ITALY

(Supplimento al numero odierno de La Nazione)

Macaroni of the Seaside Region (English)

400 gr. Fresh Pappardelle (Wide noodles)
1 Rabbit's head
1 Pork Sausage
150 gr. Chicken livers
50 gr. Rabbit livers
50 gr. Bacon
15 gr. Fresh Mushrooms
1 Onion
4 Chopped Walnuts
1 Carrot
1 Stalk Celery
1 Clove
300 gr. Peeled Tomatoes
Red Wine
Grated Parmesan Cheese
Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper


Beat (but not too fine) the clove, add salt and pepper in 4 tbs. of oil and brown the mixture. Add the rabbit's head (without the eyes), the bacon, the sausage, the livers, and the nuts, all minced. Brown and soak with a little wine. Add salt and pepper, and when the wine evaporates, add the mushrooms (soaked) and then the tomatoes. Cook on low for about an hour. With this gravy, soak the pasta in a soup pot, making several layers with gravy and parmesan.

(serves 4)

Translation by: Tom DiNardo

Conversion: 1gr. = .035 oz.

#11: Gingerbread Pancakes

1 Cup Flour
1-1/2 Tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 Tsp. Cinnamon
1/2 Tsp. Ground Ginger
Dash Cloves
1/2 Cup Milk
1 Tbs. Apple Butter
3 Tbs. Molasses
2 Eggs, separated

Stir dry ingredients together; stir in Milk, Apple Butter and Molasses. Add Yolks. Beat Egg whites separately until stiff, fold into batter. Cook on a griddle with a little butter. Keep them small, though, as the batter is very dense and otherwise they won't cook through.

Serves 2

Submitted By: Alice Borealis, 2802 Parkview Terrace, Baltimore, MD 21214-3137

#12: Lulu 9's Grandma's Snicker Doodles

1/2 Cup (4oz) Soft Shortening
1/2 Cup Margarine
1-1/2 Cups Sugar
2 Eggs
2-3/4 Cups Sifted Flour
2 Tsp. Baking Soda
1/4 Tsp. Salt

Preheat oven to 400°(F). Mix first four ingredients together thoroughly. Sift Flour, Baking Soda and Salt together and stir in the shortening mixture. Roll into mixture of 2 Tbs. Sugar and 2 Tsp. Cinnamon. Place on ungreased baking sheet. Bake until lightly brown but still soft. (8-10 min.)

Makes 5 Dozen

Submitted By: Lulu 9, 1010 A Delaware St.,Berkeley, CA 94710

#14: Pizza alle Verdure

Pizza alle Verdure (Italian)

Ingrediente (per 4 persone):
200g circa di pasta da pizza ben lievitata
1 peperone giallo
2 melanzane piccole
2 zucchine
250 g di asparagi
5 cucchiai di salsa di pomodoro
origano, olio, sale y pepe

Preparate le melanzane affettandole, cospargetele di sale e ponetele a sgocciolare. Lessate gli asparagi al dente in acqua salata; pelate i peperoni, dopo averli posti per qualche attimo su una fiamma. Passate sulla griglia le melanzane e le zucchine tagliate a rondelle. Cospargete sul disco della pasta la salsa di pomodoro, e successivamente tutte le verdure disposte a piacere. Irrorate con olio, spoverizzate con l'origano, salate e pepate. Ponete in forno pre-riscaldato a 220° per circa 30 minuti.

Submitted By: Carlo Desirò, Studio- Via Po, 56, 50013 - Campi Bisenzio (FI), Italy

Vegetarian Pizza (English)

Ingredients (serves 4):
200 gram (about 7 oz) circle of pizza dough (risen)
1 yellow pepper
2 small eggplant
2 zucchini
250 grams (about 9 oz) asparagus
5 tablespoons tomato sauce
oregano, (olive) oil, salt and pepper

Prepare the eggplant beforehand by slicing it, sprinkling it with salt and placing in a colander. Blanch the asparagus in salted water until it's "al dente"; peel the pepper after having left it over a flame for a time. Grill (saute?) the eggplant and the zucchini, sliced into rounds. Cover the pizza dough with the tomato sauce, and then layer with the vegetables however best suits you. Splash on some oil, sprinkle with oregano, salt and pepper. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 220 degrees centigrade (about 425 degrees Fahrenheit) for about 30 minutes.

Translation by: James T. Hilton

#15: Dad's Famous Cheesy Potatoes

Peel three medium potatoes. Cut lengthwise/sideways and top to bottom into 1/4" squares. Melt 1 Tbsp butter in a skillet. Stir squares into pan, covering each with butter. Clear out a spot in the middle of the pile, pour 1 Tbsp. water onto hot skillet. Cover with lid and steam. Turn once after 5 minutes. Cook until fluffy. Spoon 1/3 of the potatoes into a dish, add slice of cheddar cheese. Add next 1/3, cover with more cheese, add last 1/3, cover with another slice of cheese, split in half and arranged to form an "x". Cover for 2 minutes to melt cheese. Serve to hungry kids with milk, sprouts & beans. Watch Eek the Cat.

Serves 3

Submitted By: Obvious Front, Box 1644, Milan, OH, 61264

#16: All Season Super Healthy Salad

Mixed greens (Sinach, Lettuce, Arugula)
Walnuts, crumbled
Red bell pepper
Red onion, chopped
Mushrooms, sliced thinly
Pot of ice water
Vinaigrette dressing (9 parts oil, 3 parts red wine vinegar, 1 part mustard) or Annie's Raspberry Vinaigrette®

Roast the walnuts and red pepper simultaneously on a cookie sheet in a 400û F oven. Take walnuts out after about 10 minutes. When skins are blackened, take out red pepper and put it in a plastic or paper bag. Let sit and cool for 5-10 minutes, then peel off skin under cold running water. Texture should be soft, wormy and chilled!

Meanwhile, in a small amount of water, boil asparagus (break off tough ends), broccoli (shave stalks, chop) and carrots (circles or short rods). Cook veggies until soft (but not too soft!). Drain and plunge into ice water. When they've cooled, drain and mix remaining ingredients. Top with vinaigrette dressing.

Submitted By: Julee Peezlee, PO Box 11794, Berkeley, CA 94712-2794

#17: Salmon Fillets

Marinate fresh salmon fillets in Girard's Champagne salad dressing for 24 hours, then barbeque for 3 minutes on each side (Weber time). Serve with rice pilaf and asparagus. Ouch!

Serves ?

Submitted By: Non-Local Variable, 2528 SW 18 Ave., Portland, OR 97201 USA

#18: Choclatey Nut Bread Pseudo-Cake

In one bowl, combine:
2 Cups whole-wheat flour
1 Tbs baking powder
1/4 Tsp baking soda
1/2 Tsp salt
3/4 Cup sugar

In another bowl, combine:
3/4 Cup soy milk
1/2 puck of Mexican chocolate (abirra, abuelita, etc.)
1 egg
2 Tbs water

On stove melt 1/4 cup margarine with one square baker's chocolate and add wet ingredients to dry. Do not overstir. Add walnuts, sunflower seeds, pistachio, any kind of nut. Pour into a pan and bake for about an hour*, checking occasionally. You can also add cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg or fruit.

*Lee has an oven which has no temperature control, so make your best guess.

Submitted By: Lee Pembleton / Terminal Projects Group, PO Box 1390, Orem, UT 84059

#19: Rotolo Di Spinachi

recipe illustrations Ingredients:
250 gr. flour
2 eggs
1 kg spinach
250 gr. cottage cheese
80 gr. butter

Boil spinach for 2 minutes squeeze it dry and add cottage cheese, parmesan, nutmeg to taste. Mix thoroughly. To make pastry, use flour, eggs and enough water to mix a firm dough. Knead until smooth. Roll out in a rectangular shape 25x50cm, and spread the filling, leaving space at the edges [A]. Roll it up [B]. Use a thin cloth to roll over the "rotolo" [C]. Tie the edges and center with string [D].

Put into a boiling pot and cook about 40 minutes [E]. Rinse it, take the cloth off and cut it into slices [F]. Serve Warm with a sauce of sage fried in butter in Bain-Marie.

Recipe and Illustrations By: Valeria Landolfi, via Costabella 26, 00195 Roma, Italy

Conversion: 1gr. = .035 oz.

#20: Red Meat Stew

In a large kettle, fry up some bite size bacon chunks... Remove and set aside. Saute about one cup chopped onion in drippins... Remove, set aside. Flour and brown off 1 1/2 - 2 lbs. beef cut into chunks. I use a good chuck roast... Cover with water and return onions and bacon... Set to simmer...

one can tomato sauce (8 oz.)
1 tsp. wartshire sauce
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar
3 or 4 bay leaves
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1/4 tsp. ground cloves or to taste
1/2 tsp. ground garlic or to taste
a few good shakes of tabasco
chopped carrots and celery as much as you like

Cook at the simmer for 4 hours or until the meat is fall-apart tender. About 30 min. befole the meat is done, add 1 can corn and 1 can green beans... Fresh corn, beans and garlic can be substituted...

Serve with bread over steamed rice...

SERVES a whole bunch

Submitted By: Leonardo duh Fitchi (Smallville Funny Farm), 1436 Sebastian Way, Sacramento, CA 95864

Editor's note: Leo suffered a major heart attack a few years after I published this recipe. Perhaps it's not the healthiest recipe in the world...

#21: Veg-All Casserole

1 20oz. package frozen mixed vegetables
1 can sliced Water Chestnuts, drained
1 cup Celery, chopped
1 cup Onion, chopped
1 cup Parmesan Cheese, grated
1/2 Tsp. Seasoned Salt
1 cup Mayonnaise
1/2 cup Butter or Margarine
1 stack (40) crushed Saltines

Preheat oven to 350°

Parboil vegetables 2 to 4 minutes and drain. Mix with Water Chestnuts, Celery, Onion, Cheese, Salt and Mayo. Spread on 13x9x2" baking pan. In a skillet, melt Butter, add Crackers and sauté until brown. Sprinkle over vegetables. Bake uncovered 30 minutes.

Submitted by: Mary Miller

#22: Duh Fitchi Surprise

1 to 1-1/2 lbs. bread dough (any kind)
1 lb. hamburger
1 lb. mozarella cheese
1/2 lb. smoked sausage
Tomato pasta sauce (the stuff in the jar is OK)
Onions & Garlic
A large handful of ripe black olives
A large handful of cashews
Parmajon cheese
Ground Garlic

Let the bread dough rise. Brown burger, onions & garlic. Drain. Roll out dough enough to cover a large cookie sheet. Must be enough to be able to pull back over half way. Place the dough on a lightly oiled cookie sheet with overhang all the way around. Spread pasta sauce in the middle of the dough. Spread burger, onion & garlic mixture on top of sauce. Slice sausage into 1/4 inch slices and place on top of burger. Shred mozzarella cheese and place on top of sausage, Chop olives and place on top of cheese. Sprinkle cashews on top of the above. Fold over dough to overlap. It'll look funny. Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with parmesan and ground garlic.

Bake at 350-375 degrees until golden brown an oozy...

Serves a bunch.

The surprise is you can add anything you want.

Submitted By: Leonardo duh Fitchi, Smallville Funny Farm 1436 Sebastian Way, Sacramento, CA 95864

Editor's note: In case you didn't see it above, Leo suffered a major heart attack a few years after I published this recipe. Perhaps it's not the healthiest recipe in the world...

#23: Falafel

250g. (8 oz.) chick peas, soaked overnight (or one can)
4 Spring onions, finely chopped
2 Cloves garlic, finely chopped
3 or more Tsp water
4 lg. parsley sprigs, finely chopped
1/2 Teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
Salt & pepper
Sesame oil for deep frying.

Drain the peas and place in an electric blender or food processor with the spring onions, garlic, water and parsley (already cut). Work to a puree. Stir in the remaining ingredients with salt & pepper to taste. Turn into a bowl and leave for 2 to 3 hours to dry out slightly (if necessary). Form the mixture into small balls and flatten slightly. Heat the oil in a deep fryer, add falafel and fry until golden (4 min.). Drain on kitchen paper. Serve with Mouton Meat (that's Mutton to you).

Submitted By: Valeria Landolfi, via Costabella 26, 00195 Roma, Italy

#24: Better Than Sex Cake

1 6oz. package semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/3 cup chopped pecans
1 box chocolate cake mix (without pudding)
4 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 3.5 oz. package instant chocolate pudding mix
8 oz. sour cream

Toss chocolate chips and pecans in 1 tablespoon of dry cake mix. Beat remaining ingredients together for 3 minutes then fold in chips and pecans. Pour into greased and floured Bundt pan and bake for 50 minutes at 350°

Submitted By: Jennifer Lyman, 3303 W. Broadway Ave., Hopewell, VA 23860

#25: Double Crust Apple Tart with Caramel Sauce

2 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) chilled unsalted butter cut into 1/2" pieces
2 large egg yolks beaten to blend
3 tablespoons whipping cream

4 medium Granny Smith apples (about 2 pounds), peeled, cored and cut into 1/3" thick slices
1/4 cup golden raisins (I always double this)
1/2 cup plus 1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons all purpose flour

For Crust:
Mix flour and sugar in bowl. Using fingertips, rub in butter until mixture resembles coarse meal. Add yolks and cream; mix until moist clumps form. Knead dough gently just until smooth. Divide into 2 pieces, 1 slightly larger than the other. Gather into balls; flatten into disks. Wrap in plastic; chill 30-45 minutes in freezer. (Can be made one day ahead. Keep chilled. Soften slightly before continuing.)

For Filling: Mix apples, raisins, 1/2 cup sugar and flour in bowl.

Preheat oven to 375. Butter 9-inch diameter springform pan. Roll out larger disk on floured surface (remember the wax paper) to 12-inch-diameter-round. Transfer to prepared pan. Press dough onto bottom and 2 inches up the sides of the pan. Transfer filling to pan. Roll out second dough disk on floured surface to 9-inch diameter round. Place over filling. Press edges of bottam and top crusts together to seal. Fold edges over and crimp. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon sugar over. Cut five small slits in top crust to allow steam to escape. Make until golden, about one hour. Transfer to rack. Cool completely in pan.

Serve with warm Caramel Sauce.

Caramel Sauce:
(Makes about 1-1/2 cups)
1 cups sugar
1/2 cup water
1 cup whipping cream

Stir sugar and water in heavy medium saucepan over low heat until sugar dissolves. Increase heat to medium-high; cook without stirring until syrup is deep amber, brushing down sides of pan with wet pastry brush to prevent sugar crystals from forming and swirling pan occasionally, about ten minutes. Reduce heat to low. Carefully add cream, it will boil vigorously. Whisk until any hard bits dissolve and the mixture looks smooth. Remove from heat and let sit until the mixture thickens to the desired consistency, about 10 minutes.

Serves 8

Submitted By: Ben Leubbers

#26: Señorita Elena's Black Bean Salad

1 can (7 oz.) hearts of palm: cut into 1/4" pieces
1 can black beans: drained &, rinsed
1/2 bag frozen corn: thawed &, rinsed
2 medium tomatoes: chopped
1/2 medium sized red onion: minced
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tbsp. lime juice

*Mix ingredients up and refrigerate for 1-2 hours before serving.

Submitted By: Scott Garinger, PO Box 321, El Segundo, CA 90245

#27: Lentils of Love

in large pot place:
1/4 cup olive oil
2 large yellow onions (chopped)
2 carrots (chopped)
1 small green pepper (chopped)
4 cloves fresh garlic (minced) (i usually use more i love garlic)

sauté that stuff 3-5 minutes

1/2 tsp thyme
1/2 tsp marjoram

sauté another minute

3 cups veg. stock (i usually just use water)
1 cup lentils (washed)
spice with black pepper, thyme, and some sort of season all
add 1 16oz can diced tomatoes
1/4 cup fresh parsley

cook in covered pot 45 minutes or until lentils are tender

stir occasionally and lavish much love on it.

Submitted By: Bill DeCoursey

#28: Torta di Castagne (Chestnut Cake)

Torta di Castagne (Italian)

Per 6 o 8 persone
Tempo di esecuzione: 1 ora

Farina di castagne 300 gr.
Marmellata di castagne 100 gr.
Latte intero 2 dl
Burro 70 gr.
Pane degli Angeli 1 bustina
Liquore Grand Marnier 2 bicchierini
Buccia grattuggiata di limone
Zucchero a velo 1 cucchiaio

1) Imburrare una tortiera. In una terrina mettere la marmellata di castagne; aggiungere la farina setacciata insieme al lievito ed alla buccia grattuggiata di un limone. Mescolando con un cucchiaio di legno versare lentamente il latte. Incorporare il liquore ed il burro, precedentemente fuso in un tegamino.

2) Amalgamare bene gli ingredienti; versare il composto nella tortiera imburrata e far cuocere la torta in forno preriscaldato a 170 gradi per 50 minuti.

3) Spolverizzare a piacere con lo zucchero a velo.

Submitted by: Pierpaolo Limongelli, Via G. Oberdan 20/F, I-70043 Monopoli (BA), Italy

Chestnut Cake (English)

For 6 or 8 persons
Time of execution: 1 hour

Flour of chestnuts 300 gr.
Chestnuts jam 100 gr.
Whole Milk 2 dl.
Butter 70 gr.
Baking powder for cakes 20 gr. (a small bag)
Grand Marnier Liqueur 2 shots
Grated Peel of lemon
Powdered sugar 1 spoon

1) Coat one baking tin with butter. In one bowl, put the chestnut jam; add the sieved flour with baking powder for cakes and the grated lemon peel. Slowly pour in the milk and stir with wooden spoon. Incorporate the liqueur and the butter previously melted in a little pan.

2) Mix the ingredients well; pour the mixture in the buttered baking-tin and cook the cake in preheated oven at 170 degrees for 50 minutes.

3) Sprinkle to taste with powdered sugar.

Translation by: Altavista, Pierpaolo and Ken

© 1995, Ken B. Miller & Contributors as Listed. | Reproduced from Shouting at the Postman #7, June, 1995 | 13328

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