If you want to participate in the mail art exchange, please mail something you've created (postcard, zine, collage, drawing, etc.) to: Ken B. Miller, PO Box 101, Newtown, PA 18940-0101 USA, and I'll send you one of my handmade postcards. Because of time constraints, I don't post everything I receive, but I might post a photo of your work here.
Oct. 6, 2024: 16:36 | 1644
These are some new wide collages on top of old photos, mainly from the 1980's. The first image with the inflatable clown was from 1989. Back then, I was subletting an apartment at Penn State University to take a graphic design class. One weekend, these two guys, who were friends with my roommate, showed up with this inflatable Bozo the Clown that they had stolen from a store somewhere on the way to State College. The clown was about 7 feet tall so when they threw it into their car, the feet stuck out of the window and slapped against the side of the car as they made their getaway.
Jan. 5, 2020: 10:50 | 11901
Mar. 28, 2021: 13:10 | 10212
Recently, I had a conversation with Jennie Hinchcliff for an upcoming episode of her wonderful mail art podcast "Senders Receive", when she asked me about how my collages are woven. I had never considered this because while they visually appear as though they are woven (as some of my larger paintings do), the mail art collages are actually adhesive labels applied to photographs. I started thinking about it, and realized that actually weaving them could produce some interesting results, so here are the first of my "actual" woven photocollage pieces.
Jul. 18, 2016: 21:16 | 22383
Some more work using a grid with photographic collage and marker...
Outgoing Mail Art: Domes Apr. 5, 2016: 21:55
Outgoing Mail Art: New Photocollages Jul. 18, 2016: 21:51
Outgoing Mail Art: Patterns Mar. 23, 2016: 20:19
Outgoing Mail Art: Variants! Apr. 17, 2022: 14:27
Outgoing: Mail Art Loteria pt. 3 Jul. 4, 2021: 15:25
Outgoing: Mail Art Loteria pt. 4 Aug. 30, 2021: 17:20
Recent Incoming Mail Art Feb. 20, 2019: 19:20
Incoming Mail - July and August, 2020 Aug. 8, 2020: 10:25
Incoming Mail Art May. 4, 2018: 19:43
Incoming Mail Art - Alan Turner Sep. 17, 2017: 20:22
Incoming Mail Art - Bart Verburg & John Held Jr. Apr. 23, 2017: 21:20
Incoming Mail Art - Buz Blurr, Alan Turner, Connie Jean and Faith Randall Jun. 18, 2017: 09:19
Incoming Mail Art - Castanet Lessons Flyer Feb. 28, 2019: 20:56
Incoming Mail Art - Don Campau, Red Letter Day & Analog Artists of America Sep. 4, 2017: 16:38
Incoming Mail Art - Jude Weirmeir May. 21, 2017: 18:29
Incoming Mail Art - Kurt Beaulieu, Bee and Henk Van Ooyen Aug. 13, 2017: 21:51
Incoming Mail Art - Mudhead Reynolds Feb. 11, 2017: 08:50
Incoming Mail Art - Stephanie Dodson Apr. 9, 2017: 21:36
Incoming Mail Art - Wood, Stangroom, Sharp and Weirmeir Mar. 14, 2019: 19:13
Incoming Mail Art- Alan Turner Feb. 27, 2016: 09:06
Incoming Mail Art- Alan Turner May. 30, 2016: 20:19
Incoming Mail Art- Alan Turner, Red Letter Day and Pascal Lenoir Jan. 8, 2017: 10:07
Incoming Mail Art- Barry E. Pilcher, John Held & Karen Wood Aug. 14, 2016: 19:31
Incoming Mail Art- Barry Edgar Pilcher Apr. 9, 2016: 09:49
Incoming Mail Art- Bill Glick Aug. 28, 2018: 21:34
Incoming Mail Art- Brooke Cooks & Marie Wintzer Jun. 26, 2016: 14:41
Incoming Mail Art- Ficus Strangulensis Feb. 20, 2016: 20:19
Incoming Mail Art- Henry Guild and Buz Blurr Jun. 5, 2016: 12:25
Incoming Mail Art- Jennie Hinchcliff, Eric Bruth & Neosho May. 8, 2016: 13:21
Incoming Mail Art- Jude Weirmeir Jul. 3, 2018: 21:12
Incoming Mail Art- Jude Weirmeir, Karen Wood, Michael Goetz & Musicmaster Feb. 19, 2017: 18:38
Incoming Mail Art- Karen Wood Feb. 7, 2016: 18:13
Incoming Mail Art- Karen Wood, Serse Luigetti, Buz Blurr Aug. 4, 2018: 21:38
Incoming Mail Art- Kurt Beaulieu Mar. 19, 2017: 08:25
Incoming Mail Art- Luigino Solamito Feb. 20, 2016: 20:09
Incoming Mail Art- Marie Wintzer Feb. 13, 2016: 18:08
Incoming Mail Art- Musicmaster Oct. 16, 2016: 13:54
Incoming Mail Art- Nat, PJM, Tamara Wyndham Dec. 16, 2018: 20:41
Incoming Mail Art- Pistol Pete Jan. 10, 2016: 18:29
Incoming Mail Art- Pistol Pete, Karen Wood and Jane Pannell Apr. 16, 2016: 21:23
Incoming Mail Art- PJM Jul. 10, 2016: 20:53
Incoming Mail Art- September 22, 2018 Sep. 22, 2018: 19:22
Incoming Mail Art- Tamara Wyndham & Henk J. Van Ooyen Oct. 7, 2018: 21:18
Incoming Mail Art: Henry Guild Mar. 13, 2016: 11:18
Incoming Mail Art: Kurt Beaulieu Mar. 19, 2016: 14:29
Incoming Mail Art: Mike Dickau and Luigino Solamito Apr. 23, 2016: 17:53
Incoming Mail Art: Musicmaster Apr. 2, 2016: 08:52
Incoming Mail Art: Pistol Pete Mar. 16, 2016: 21:28
Incoming Mail Art: PJM, Luigino Solamito & Marie Wintzer Mar. 13, 2016: 11:43
Incoming Mail Art: The Sticker Dude Mar. 5, 2016: 18:46
Mail Art Call: DepARTures Jul. 20, 2016: 12:17
Mail Art Call: Squirrels! Jul. 24, 2017: 20:35
New Mail Art Call: View From My Home Mar. 23, 2020: 20:09
New Mail Art Call: Vision 20-20 Jan. 12, 2020: 10:33
New Mail Art Call: Vote Aug. 21, 2020: 10:55
New Mail Art calls Sep. 3, 2016: 15:05
New Outgoing Collages Jan. 12, 2019: 11:17
New Outgoing Collages - Budapest Dec. 29, 2018: 19:25
Outgoing Collages - Politicians Jan. 29, 2019: 21:02
Outgoing Mail Art - Breaking the Grid Jul. 24, 2017: 19:30
Outgoing Mail Art - Crybaby Face Collages Jun. 18, 2017: 16:10
Outgoing Mail Art - Grids and Non-Grids Aug. 15, 2017: 19:31
Outgoing Mail Art - New Collages Aug. 5, 2018: 21:51
Outgoing Mail Art - Symmetrical/Asymmetrical and also Symmetrical Sep. 18, 2023: 16:37
Outgoing Mail Art - Travel Photo Collages Sep. 20, 2018: 21:36
Outgoing Mail Art- Angled Grids Jan. 20, 2018: 20:37
Outgoing Mail Art- Bad Self Portraits May. 14, 2023: 13:49
Outgoing Mail Art- Bad Self Portraits and AI Generated Faces Jun. 3, 2023: 13:54
Outgoing Mail Art- Baggage Feb. 13, 2016: 23:51
Outgoing Mail Art- Buildings Apr. 4, 2016: 20:02
Outgoing Mail Art- Buildings and Landscapes Feb. 18, 2016: 23:23
Outgoing Mail Art- Camp Postcards 1 Jul. 4, 2024: 13:09
Outgoing Mail Art- Camp Postcards 2 Jul. 28, 2024: 15:27
Outgoing Mail Art- Cardboard Feb. 11, 2016: 06:09
Outgoing Mail Art- Cardboard Collages Jan. 17, 2022: 14:38
Outgoing Mail Art- Circles Apr. 2, 2016: 21:53
Outgoing Mail Art- collage postcards Oct. 16, 2016: 19:35
Outgoing Mail Art- Complete Image Collages Dec. 31, 2021: 17:04
Outgoing Mail Art- Crybaby Collages Feb. 23, 2017: 18:45
Outgoing Mail Art- Dohany Street Synagogue Feb. 25, 2016: 22:18
Outgoing Mail Art- Dorm Room Collages Mar. 10, 2024: 16:54
Outgoing Mail Art- Double Grid Collages Sep. 22, 2021: 16:09
Outgoing Mail Art- Dual Grid collages Aug. 7, 2020: 14:47
Outgoing Mail Art- Eastern Europe Feb. 25, 2016: 21:46
Outgoing Mail Art- Edition Janus May. 22, 2016: 07:43
Outgoing Mail Art- Even More Multi-Grid Face Collages Sep. 13, 2020: 15:08
Outgoing Mail Art- Even More Symmetrical/Asymmetrical & Photo Collages Aug. 29, 2022: 16:22
Outgoing Mail Art- Fisherman's Bastion Apr. 6, 2016: 22:09
Outgoing Mail Art- Grid Compositions Jan. 14, 2020: 21:30
Outgoing Mail Art- Grids and Faces Jul. 12, 2020: 10:59
Outgoing Mail Art- Horses, Grids and Weddings Apr. 4, 2017: 21:16
Outgoing Mail Art- Keep Calm Mar. 24, 2020: 21:19
Outgoing Mail Art- Lockers Feb. 14, 2016: 05:58
Outgoing Mail Art- LSMFT Collages and Variants Apr. 13, 2022: 10:59
Outgoing Mail Art- LSMFT Variant Remixes Jun. 13, 2022: 18:35
Outgoing Mail Art- Mandala Mail Art Call May. 11, 2016: 14:07
Outgoing Mail Art- Metro Map Feb. 15, 2016: 12:47
Outgoing Mail Art- Mexican Loteria Cards May. 9, 2021: 16:34
Outgoing Mail Art- Mexico Feb. 28, 2016: 22:03
Outgoing Mail Art- Miss America Jun. 28, 2016: 22:11
Outgoing Mail Art- More Collages- The Bridal Party Jan. 8, 2023: 13:44
Outgoing Mail Art- More Crybaby Collages & Grids Mar. 5, 2017: 09:50
Outgoing Mail Art- More face collages Jul. 18, 2020: 18:44
Outgoing Mail Art- More Keep Calm Collages Jul. 3, 2020: 13:43
Outgoing Mail Art- More Mexican Loteria Cards May. 26, 2021: 16:44
Outgoing Mail Art- more photo collages Mar. 27, 2021: 13:05
Outgoing Mail Art- More Symmetrical/Asymmetrical Collages Jul. 11, 2022: 17:29
Outgoing Mail Art- More woven photos Apr. 4, 2021: 21:21
Outgoing Mail Art- New Grid Collages Feb. 7, 2022: 12:29
Outgoing Mail Art- New Symmetries Apr. 23, 2023: 10:56
Outgoing Mail Art- Panoramic Collages Jan. 9, 2020: 19:03
Outgoing Mail Art- Playing with Photographs Jan. 10, 2021: 14:08
Outgoing Mail Art- Prague Jul. 8, 2016: 21:47
Outgoing Mail Art- Shriners! Mar. 4, 2023: 11:19
Outgoing Mail Art- Steve Factory Aug. 21, 2016: 16:11
Outgoing Mail Art- Still More Crybaby Collages Apr. 2, 2017: 19:38
Outgoing Mail Art- Still More Multi-Grid Face Collages Oct. 18, 2020: 09:54
Outgoing Mail Art- Still More Symmetrical/Asymmetrical Collages Aug. 21, 2022: 13:35
Outgoing Mail Art- Structure Feb. 9, 2016: 22:21
Outgoing Mail Art- Symmetrical/Asymmetrical Collages Jun. 24, 2022: 16:57
Outgoing Mail Art- Symmetrical/Asymmetrical Triple-Grid Madness Jul. 9, 2023: 11:30
Outgoing Mail Art- Symmetricals and Variants Jan. 22, 2023: 13:02
Outgoing Mail Art- The Bridge Jun. 27, 2016: 05:54
Outgoing Mail Art- Trumputin Mar. 16, 2017: 21:38
Outgoing Mail Art- Vacation Photocollages Jun. 19, 2016: 06:00