
Movie Data

Paste in a list of movies, prices, and box office amounts, and the calculator will show you the best combination of eight movies.

Commas and dollar signs will be ignored. Put each value on a new line. You can copy and paste from an Excel spreadsheet.

MoviesPricesBox Office

About the Movie Calculator

This is a calculator for determining the optimum set of movie screens when playing Fantasy Movie League, a game in which people compete against each other to try to find the best combination of films in theaters for a particular week, based on actual box office results. The calculator can only work with the numbers you come up with-- it does not predict movie revenues.

For actual revenue predictions, see websites like Box Office Mojo, Box Office Pro, Box Office Report which offer professional performance appraisals. None of these sources are entirely accurate, however... this is all a matter of conjecture. You can see this for yourself by tracking how accurate these predictions actually are.

I have had good results using a combination of these predictions and tracking the performance of movies which have been out for several weeks. A good knowledge of Excel will allow you to create a spreadsheet which will be invaluable. You can copy and paste your spreadsheet data into this form to make calculations before making your picks. Be warned that a few slight variations can lead to vastly different boards.

If this calculator helps you win once or twice, you can join the elite ranks of "Friends of Movie Calculator" and send me a buck or two to help pay for the cost of running it.



The Movie Calculator is provided for entertainment purposes only.

© 2018-2024, Ken B. Miller. Feedback Counter: 799