Your basement is the perfect place for water to hang out, and water knows it. Seriously, Water loves your basement-- how could it not? (read more)
Mail art has a long and proud history of pranks, games, false identities and humorous deception... (read more)
In 2006, a lot of my mail art was destroyed by a water leak in the basement of our old house. After 7 years, I'm finally ready to do something about it... (read more)
When I tell people I'm a mail artist, I'm invariably asked that question. I have trouble explaining exactly what it is, just as I have trouble explaining what "art" is... (read more)
Not being able to go out to movies since the birth of Francesca has led us to spend more time watching videos. Here are some highlights from our collection... (read more) | graphic design | paintings & collages | photographs |